Gossip goes down to the inmost being
Gossip goes down to the inmost being

gossip goes down to the inmost being

If gossip is fueled by interest and agreement, it spreads very much like a fire. We should do whatever is possible, short of putting our hand over the talebearer’s mouth (unless we are the gossip, in which case this is strongly encouraged!). Implications: We should change the subject-or leave the conversation completely, saying nothing or explaining directly that we don’t like talking about people behind their back. These “tasty trifles” only cease when the talebearer is shut down and when the fire of gossip goes out due to lack of wood ( Proverbs 26:20). We humans seem to really enjoy hearing and talking about other people’s problems-often because it makes us feel better about ourselves. This is why gossip is so alluring, and why we have to fight the tendency toward it in ourselves. Proverbs 18:8: “The words of a talebearer are like tasty trifles, and they go down into the inmost body.” We should always assume that whatever we say will eventually reach the person being discussed, whether by a “little bird” ( Ecclesiastes 10:20) or through the people we are gossiping to, who probably gossip themselves. Implications: When we’re tempted to talk about someone negatively, we can try imagining that person standing right next to us, listening intently to what we are saying. Friendships are damaged, not strengthened, by talking bad about people behind their backs, revealing embarrassing information or just making fun of them for some weakness or mistake. The sad reality is that sometimes we repeat bad things about others to feel better about ourselves.ĭoes gossiping negative information to others ever draw people closer together? The reality is that it always separates people by causing doubts and negativity ( Proverbs 16:28). But in these situations, we should discuss them with the person-or someone who can legitimately help-not everyone else. No doubt, some problems have to be dealt with. Proverbs 17:9: “He who covers a transgression seeks love, but he who repeats a matter separates friends.”

gossip goes down to the inmost being

Gossip is usually not a discussion of positive actions and character traits! It usually involves “saying things which ought not” ( 1 Timothy 5:13). The Bible sets the highest standard for Christians: We are not to speak evil of others ( Titus 3:2 James 4:11). But if we demonstrate a pattern of talking about others behind their backs, and not feeling the least bit guilty about it, then we may be a “gossip.” Sometimes we may immediately feel guilty, knowing we really should go to the person and deal with a problem or just not talk about it. Have you ever said something about somebody to someone else that you would never say to that person’s face? “I’ve got a secret I won’t tell … Well … okay … did you hear about …?” This is just another area in which the book of Proverbs provides us wise insights to identify a common human weakness and helps us improve our communication and social interactions. To deal with a problem as old as gossip, we are going to need writings that have been around almost as long as gossip itself. Can we overcome gossip? Yes, and there’s a proverb for that. Gossip may seem harmless, but it is actually something strongly condemned in the Bible. And so will many other people.Proverb: Gossipy Gossips and Their Gossip Well, Greg, you might be thinking, If I applied that principle all the time, there would be a lot of things I wouldn’t say. Will it help? Is it inspiring? Is it necessary? Is it kind? Is it true? If it is not true, then don’t repeat it. So when we hear gossip or slander, what should we do? Here is a little acronym that we need to remember: T-H-I-N-K. It hurts other people, and it can hurt us. We may swallow it easily, but in the end, it is like a wound. So we take that tasty little trifle of information. "Did you hear about this?" someone might say. Gossip and slander are far easier to dish out than they are to take, aren’t they? Has someone ever gossiped about you? Has something ever been said about you that simply wasn’t true? Proverbs 18:8 says, "The words of a talebearer are like tasty trifles, and they go down into the inmost body." Gossip is like that. How many times have rumors been spread that are based on information that simply is not factual because a person did not take the time to look into it? The Bible says, "He who answers a matter before he hears it, it is folly and shame to him" (Proverbs 18:13). Slander and gossip are sins that, unfortunately, are far too common in the church today. Vernon McGee used to say that the only exercise some Christians get is running down others and jumping to conclusions.

Gossip goes down to the inmost being